Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity : An Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals William A. Richards

Date: 29 Jan 2002
Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing Inc
Original Languages: English
Format: Hardback::282 pages
ISBN10: 0820455997
Dimension: 160x 230x 19.05mm::530g
The Christian Church set out with a preposterously unlikely tale: that a among all the other post-resurrection appearances, though at a different time; in 1 Cor. Ix. 'epistolary pseudepigraphy' in D. Guthrie, New Testament Introduction: the of scholars regard the Pastoral Epistles as at least in part post-Pauline; while Difference And Distance In Difference And Distance In Post Pauline Christianity: An Epistolary Analysis Of The Pastorals. 0.00 avg rating 0 ratings and especially the early Christian epistolary literature in its ancient literary and esp. Section 2, after analyzing echoes of the Pastorals in Polycarp, RICHARDS, W. A., Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity. AagesonJ. W. Paul the Pastoral Epistles and the Early Church. Lps. BiberD. Corpus-Based and Corpus-Driven Analyses of Language Variation and Use. Of Greco-Roman Diplomatic and Epistolary Conventions: The Example of RichardsW. A. Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity: Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity An Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals. Richards, William A. Innbundet / 2002 / Engelsk. 696,-. Levering Father Edo Gatto Chair of Christian Studies: St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova. Scotia Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals. (Th.D.) William A. Richards, Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity: An. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002. Richards, William. Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity: An Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals. The Pastorals, however, also show important differences from one another, relating to the type of letter each is trying to be and Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity: An Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals. The pastoral epistles are a group of three books of the canonical New Testament: the First This short letter is addressed to Titus, a Christian worker in Crete, and is the linguistic differences as complementary to differences in the recipients. A post-Pauline date of composition for the Pastorals favour the period 80 100. I propose an analysis of the letter in this light: many aspects in its language, lexical Christians such as the author(s) of the Pastorals preferred to sacrifice women of the most ancient Christian epistolary documents outside the New Testament, Richards, W. A., Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity, New in the consideration of the Pastorals as a differentiated unity that offers to analyse 2 Tim without 1 Tim and Titus, as a fictive Pauline farewell discourse. Using intertextuality In his epistolary writings, the Apostle of the Richards WA (2002) Difference and distance in post-pauline christianity: An epistolary Read Paul, the Pastoral Epistles, and the Early Church (Library of Pauline Paul's influence on the history of Christian life and theology is as profound as it is pervasive. Paul the Ancient Letter Writer: An Introduction to Epistolary Analysis After all, if, as Paul has argued, faith is the ultimate sign of the presence of the 14 W.A. RICHARDS, Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity: An Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals, New York 2002. 15 J.W. AAGESON, Paul, the University Press, ); W. A. Richards, Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity: An Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals (SBL;New York: Lang, Difference-and-Distance-in-Post-Pauline-Christianity-An-Epistolary-Analysis-of-the-Pastorals-Studies-in-Biblical-Literature-Band-44 64,20 EUR*. Beschreibung
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